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Hamlet - inglés

de shakespeare william

SKU: 9789874896407 Categoría:

Hamlet – inglés

$ 15.900,00

Hamlet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare sometime between 1599 and 1601. Set in Denmark, t… Ver más

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Hamlet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare sometime between 1599 and 1601. Set in Denmark, the play depicts Prince Hamlet and his revenge against his uncle, Claudius, who has murdered Hamlet’s father in order to seize his throne and marry Hamlet’s mother.
Hamlet is Shakespeare’s longest play and is considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature. It was one of Shakespeare’s most popular works during his lifetime and still ranks among his most performed, topping the performance list of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessors in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1879.
Standing as one of the most famous and beloved plays of all time, Hamlet has left a profound and lasting impact on the world of film, literature, and culture at large. Reflecting some of Shakespeare’s greatest work, this literary masterpiece has stood the test of time to become one of the most widely performed plays in history.
For over 400 years, this brilliant play has explored universal themes around power, revenge, and desire, resonating deeply with everyone who reads it.9789874896407Shakespeare, WilliamDramaturgy; Theater

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Peso 225 g
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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