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The Power of the Warrior

de galarraga nestor


SKU: 9789874935793 Categorías: ,

The Power of the Warrior

$ 30.000,00

Néstor Galarraga —author of Taekwon-Do, The Evolution Factor (Taekwon-Do, factor de evolución)— offe… Ver más

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Néstor Galarraga —author of Taekwon-Do, The Evolution Factor (Taekwon-Do, factor de evolución)— offers us a revealing path towards the development of personal power, and he shows us the fundamental axes of his transformation into an authentic warrior. After a life devoted to teaching Taekwon-Do, he reflects on what he has learnt and taught and about the personal experiences that he has gathered.
Since he cannot retrace his steps —go back to those ignored paths and places of knowledge where he discovered who he is— he conveys all his experiences in this book.
He explores common pursuits, martial arts, Taekwon-Do. He talks about all of us, about the journey, the emotions, the thoughts, the inner feelings that any person seeking to develop personal power goes through, the meaning of life and everything that dwells in our own hearts.

This is a book that invites us to challenge our limitations and to discover how to live without fear, accepting with responsibility the burden of our own existence. It is a future classic of the martial arts, since it summarizes the main premises of their thinking.9789874935793Galarraga, Néstortaekwondo, selfhelp, sports, health, martial arts, personal growth

Información adicional

Peso 468 kg
Dimensiones 15 × 22 cm


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galarraga nestor
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