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Keyboard Chords Made Easy

de galmarini alejandro

SKU: 9789878891316 Categoría:

Keyboard Chords Made Easy

$ 19.539,00

This book shows in a visual and concise yet comprehensive way how all chords and their extensions ar… Ver más

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This book shows in a visual and concise yet comprehensive way how all chords and their extensions are formed and played, and how they are read and written using the Standard Chord Notation system, with a focus on finger placement on the keyboard.
Quickly and without the need for lengthy music theory courses, you will be able to play any chord on the keyboard and bring its sound to your ears.
Additionally, the position of 480 essential chords in all keys is diagrammed and presented in a structured and educational manner.
Now, reading chords will no longer be a mystery to you.9789878891316Galmarini, AlejandroChord, Positions, Illustrations, Intervals, Keyboard, Made Easy, Musical Harmony, Triads, Visual System, Standard notation, Piano, Music, Extensions

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Peso 129 g
Dimensiones 21 × 29 cm


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