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Agnes Grey - en inglés

de bronte anne

SKU: 9789874886903 Categoría:

Agnes Grey – en inglés

$ 16.900,00

The well-educated daughter of a penniless clergyman, Agnes Grey is treated like a child by her famil… Ver más

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The well-educated daughter of a penniless clergyman, Agnes Grey is treated like a child by her family and so she sets out to prove herself by seeking employment as a governess. Soon, however, her idealistic notions regarding the education and care of her wards are dashed as she battles to control the wild Bloomfield children; eventually she is relieved of her duties. Then, she starts working for the Murray household; even though her position is slightly better than the previous one, she is held in low regard by the Murrays. This is a deeply personal novel written from the author’s own experience, dealing with themes such as the nature of childhood, the rise of the middle classes and the loneliness, cruelty, and even ill-treatment that life as a governess could entail. Agnes Grey is full of quiet passion and remains a beloved classic up to this day.9789874886903Bronte, Anne

Información adicional

Peso 270 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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