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Beowulf - en inglés

de anonimo

SKU: 9789878354248 Categoría:

Beowulf – en inglés

$ 15.500,00

The oldest long poem in Old English, written about AD 1,000, Beowulf tells the story of a great warr… Ver más

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The oldest long poem in Old English, written about AD 1,000, Beowulf tells the story of a great warrior of southern Scandinavia, in both youth and maturity. When Beowulf arrives at Hrothgar’s hall, he discovers that the hall is beset by Grendel, an evil creature that kills and pillages with impunity. Beowulf, in heroic fashion, bests Grendel in combat, then follows Grendel back to his lair to finish the job.
But Beowulf couldn’t have counted on meeting Grendel’s mother.9789878354248AnónimoEpic; Vikings; Adventure

Información adicional

Peso 216 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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