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Emma - en inglés

de austen jane

SKU: 9789878304229 Categoría:

Emma – en inglés

$ 28.300,00

When young Emma, the only daughter of Mr. Woodhouse, loses the company of her former governess, she … Ver más

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When young Emma, the only daughter of Mr. Woodhouse, loses the company of her former governess, she takes under her tutelage the humble Harriet Smith. Harriet´s simplicity, along with her beauty, makes her the perfect candidate for Emma´s favorite activity: taking care of others. Emma´s eagerness for Harriet to get an advantageous marriage and Emma´s manipulative personality will suffer different setbacks before reaching an unexpected happy ending.9789878304229Austen, Jane

Información adicional

Peso 717 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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