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Lady Susan - The Watsons - en Inglés

de austen jane

SKU: 9789878304236 Categoría:

Lady Susan – The Watsons – en Inglés

$ 18.900,00

LADY SUSAN & THE WATSON LADY SUSAN This epistolary novel, written by Austen in 1794, narrates th… Ver más

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LADY SUSAN & THE WATSON LADY SUSAN This epistolary novel, written by Austen in 1794, narrates the main character´s, the recently widowed Lady Susan, plans to find her and her young daughter a new husband. Austen uses this genre to build a work where the different letters are set like pieces of a puzzle until it completes before the eye of the reader. This novel subverts every norm of the romantic genre: Lady Susan has a leading role, she is not only beautiful but also smart and clever, and all her suitors are significantly younger than her. THE WATSON When Emma Watson attends her first ball, her beauty and naivety will make all eyes focus on her. Is that what happiness is for a young girl in Victorian England? Austen makes this novel a place for her to talk about the condition of women and their limited role, as well as the lack of their own resources, in this period´s society.9789878304236Austen, Jane

Información adicional

Peso 228 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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