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Love and Friendship - Lesley´s Castle - Sanditon - en inglés

de austen jane

SKU: 9789878354699 Categoría:

Love and Friendship – Lesley´s Castle – Sanditon – en inglés

$ 23.500,00

Love and friendship
It is a complete selection of short novels and stories by Jane Austen that she… Ver más

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Love and friendship
It is a complete selection of short novels and stories by Jane Austen that she wrote when she was very young and in which we will find everything that will eventually constitute the adult universe of our author: irony, wit, construction, satire of the romantic and ruthless comments social. But also a strange talent and a predilection for an unusual type of heroin – capable of getting drunk, stealing, murdering, etc. – Aspects that we will not find again in his work, but if his inventiveness without restrictions and a taste applied brilliantly to an irresistible comedy.

Lesley Castle
A short and epistolary novel, in which through the exchange of letters between Margarite Lesley, Charlotte Luterrell and Mrs. Marlowe, we learn about the love affairs of these three women and various members of their social circle. The letters are very funny, in some cases surprising because of the harshness with which these «supposed friends» sometimes speak.

A fragment of eleven chapters left unfinished by the death of Jane Austen, it is a charming story that complements Austen’s novels about the privileged classes of England and the deception, snobbery and unexpected romances that occur in her world. When Charlotte Heywood accepts an invitation to visit Sanditon’s new modern spa, she is introduced to a wide range of polite local society. A heroine whose lucid sense of comment is often at war with romance, Charlotte can’t help but observe both madness and passion around her in many ways. But can sane Charlotte herself resist the desires of the heart?9789878354699Austen, Jane

Información adicional

Peso 555 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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