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Pride and Prejudice - en inglés

de austen jane

SKU: 9789878304205 Categoría:

Pride and Prejudice – en inglés

$ 23.900,00

Ms. Bennet has raised her five children with the only hope of finding a husband for each of them. Wi… Ver más

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Ms. Bennet has raised her five children with the only hope of finding a husband for each of them. With young, wealthy, and single Charles Bingley’s arrival in town, the Bennet sisters’ attention is piqued, along with every other family living in Longbourn. Elizabeth, one of Ms. Bennet’s daughters, will start a peculiar relationship with Bingley’s good friend Darcy, which will unleash this story of pride and prejudices between both of them until they get to know true love.9789878304205Austen, Jane

Información adicional

Peso 529 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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