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The Art of public Speaking

de carnegie dale


SKU: 9789874886996 Categorías: ,

The Art of public Speaking

$ 29.990,00

Originally published in 1915, The Art of Public Speaking has been —for more than a century— the go-t… Ver más

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Originally published in 1915, The Art of Public Speaking has been —for more than a century— the go-to guide for those who want to improve their speaking skills. This is a fascinating work and it is thoroughly recommended for everyone.
Do you have trouble standing up in front of an audience? Are you struggling to get your point across? Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially if you are a naturally anxious person or if you are inexperienced. Featured within this classic manual are hundreds of tips and tricks on how to become an efficient and effective public speaker. The sections included address: tone, delivery, enthusiasm, confidence, concentration, charm, precision, gesturing, preparation, and much more! Avoiding the use of tricks and shortcuts, the author suggests methods for developing one’s thoughts in order to develop an original, authentic way of speaking. He advises speakers to practice their presentation skills, offering useful tips for speech making in both personal and professional situations. This classic continues to encourage people from all lifestyles to overcome their self-consciousness and increase their effectiveness and comfort as public speakers.9789874886996Carnegie, DalePublic Speaking; Self Development

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Peso 698 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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carnegie dale
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