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The Bottle Imp and other stories - en inglés

de stevenson robert l

SKU: 9789874896452 Categoría:

The Bottle Imp and other stories – en inglés

$ 13.900,00

Robert Louis Stevenson brings his mastery of storytelling and suspense to these intriguing tales of … Ver más

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Robert Louis Stevenson brings his mastery of storytelling and suspense to these intriguing tales of island mystery. In 1888, a year after leaving England, Stevenson and his wife left San Francisco and sailed to the South Pacific. The beauty, mystery, and lore of the islands captivated the great author, inspiring him to write several wonderful short stories. «The Bottle Imp”, the main story in this outstanding collection, is a suspenseful folktale, introducing us to various ghosts, demons, and other frightening creatures. Also included are two more examples of Stevenson’s masterful but too often overlooked short fiction: “The Isle of Voices” and “The Beach of Falesá”.9789874896452Stevenson, Robert L.Ghost; fantasy; traditions; satiric;

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Peso 162 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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stevenson robert l
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