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The King in Yellow - en inglés

de chambers robert w

SKU: 9789878354163 Categoría:

The King in Yellow – en inglés

$ 16.900,00

With its strange and imaginative combination of horror, science, fiction, romance and lyrical prose,… Ver más

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With its strange and imaginative combination of horror, science, fiction, romance and lyrical prose, The King in Yellow, by Robert W. Chambers is a classic fiction masterpiece. This series of loosely connected stories is linked by the presence of a monstrous and suppressed book that brings fear, madness and spectral tragedy to all readers. An air of uselessness and doom permeates these pages like a sweet insidious poison. This collection has been called as the most important book of American supernatural fiction between Poe and Lovecraft, creator of the famous myth of Cthulhu, whose own fiction was greatly influenced by this book, declared that The King in Yellow reaches remarkable heights of cosmic fear.9789878354163Chambers, Robert W.Horror, Cosmic Fear; Mistery

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Peso 277 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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chambers robert w
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