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The phantom of the opera - en inglés

de leroux gaston

SKU: 9789878354231 Categoría:

The phantom of the opera – en inglés

$ 19.700,00

The Phantom of the Paris Opera House, is one of the great icons of horror literature. This tormented… Ver más

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The Phantom of the Paris Opera House, is one of the great icons of horror literature. This tormented and disfigured creature has made his home in the labyrinthine cellars of this opulent building where he can indulge in his great passion for music, which is a substitute for the love and emotion denied him because of his ghastly appearance. It is in the Opera House that he encounters Christine Daaé whom he trains in secret to become a great singer. Erik s passionate obsession with a beautiful woman beyond his reach is doomed and leads to the dramatic tragic finale. Gaston Leroux s novel is a marvellous blend of detective story, romance and spine-tingling terror which has fascinated readers ever since the work was first published.9789878354231Leroux, Gastónphantom; opera; horror tales; supernatural; ghost

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Peso 343 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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