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The Turn of the screw - en inglés

de james henry

SKU: 9789878304588 Categoría:

The Turn of the screw – en inglés

$ 14.500,00

American author and expatriate, Henry James is regarded as one the principal figures of 19th century… Ver más

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American author and expatriate, Henry James is regarded as one the principal figures of 19th century literary realism. “The Turn of the Screw” is an intense psychological tale of terror. Beginning in an old house on Christmas Eve, it is the story of a governess who comes to live with and take care of two young children, whose parents have recently died. The governess loves her new position in charge of the young children; however she is soon disturbed when she begins to see ghosts. The Turn of the Screw is probably the most famous of ghostly tales and certainly the most eerily equivocal.9789878304588James, Henry

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Peso 176 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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