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The waves - inglés

de woolf virginia

SKU: 9789878466057 Categoría:

The waves – inglés

$ 18.990,00

Innovative and deeply poetic, The Waves is often regarded as Virginia Woolf’s masterpiece.
It begi… Ver más

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Innovative and deeply poetic, The Waves is often regarded as Virginia Woolf’s masterpiece.
It begins with six children—three boys and three girls—playing in a garden by the sea, and follows their lives as they grow up, experience friendship and love, and grapple with the death of their beloved friend Percival. Instead of describing their outward expressions of grief, Woolf draws her characters from the inside, revealing their inner lives: their aspirations, their triumphs and regrets, their awareness of unity and isolation.
More than any of Virginia Woolf’s other novels, The Waves conveys the full complexity and richness of human experience.9789878466057Woolf, Virginia

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Peso 254 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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