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The years - inglés

de woolf virginia

SKU: 9789878466064 Categoría:

The years – inglés

$ 23.900,00

The Years by Virginia Woolf, follows the members of the same family, the Pargiters, over three gener… Ver más

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The Years by Virginia Woolf, follows the members of the same family, the Pargiters, over three generations. In this time, their lives and the world around them change drastically, and they struggle to grasp the meaning of life and connect with other people.
The characters come and go, meet, talk, think, dream, grow older, in a continuous ritual of life that eludes meaning.
The Years was both the last and the most popular of Virginia Woolf’s novels to published during her lifetime.9789878466064Woolf, Virginia

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Peso 468 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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