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To the Lighthouse - inglés

de woolf virginia

SKU: 9789878466071 Categoría:

To the Lighthouse – inglés

$ 15.500,00

The novel centres on the Ramsay family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910… Ver más

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The novel centres on the Ramsay family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920.
To the Lighthouse, considered by many to be Virginia Woolf’s finest novel, is a remarkably original work, showing the thoughts and actions of the members of a family and their guests on two separate occasions, ten years apart. The setting is Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay’s house on a Scottish island, where they traditionally take their summer holidays, overlooking a bay with a lighthouse.
From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Woolf constructs a remarkable, moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life and the conflict between men and women.9789878466071Woolf, Virginia

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Peso 239 g
Dimensiones 14 × 21 cm


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